17 investment agreements for a total amount of MAD 857 million were signed on Wednesday,
November 11, 2020 at the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Green and Digital
Economy, under the chairmanship of the Minister, Mr. Moulay Hafid Elalamy.
"The opportunities offered by the project bank are now transformed into projects that create jobs
and added value," said Mr. Elalamy, on this occasion, stressing that these projects "are of high
quality, they strengthen the Moroccan industrial fabric by creating jobs to serve the local market
and export”.
Of the 17 agreements, 8 have been signed in the agri-food sector for the implementation of
investment projects amounting to 620MDH which will create 1630 new jobs and generate
additional turnover of over 914 MDH by 2023. These projects concern the realization of industrial
units of agri-food production, particularly in the fishing sector, the milk industry, the confectionery-
biscuitry-chocolate factory and in the processing of citrus fruits, fruits and vegetables.
In the textile and leather sector, 4 MOUs and 2 agreements with an investment amount of nearly
220MDH have been signed. Aiming at the realization of manufacturing units of various products,
including clothing fabric and geotextile, cleaning products based on non-woven and sewing
thread, these projects will create 1350 new jobs and generate a turnover of more than 354.944
The 3 other agreements have been signed in the industrial sectors of plastics processing,
packaging and plasticulture and electrical and electronics. With an amount of 17MDH, theyconcern the creation of a manufacturing unit for domestic electrical cables, brass fittings and taps,
as well as the production of plastic caps, polyethylene pipes and tubes and PVC packaging
products. These projects should generate 99 new jobs and an additional turnover of more than 92
Following the launch, on September 25, of the online project bank, one of the pillars of the post-
Covid-19 industrial recovery strategy, the Ministry has set up "the war-room", a unit responsible for
supporting project owners. This unit has been contacted by 413 projects of which it has selected
143 representing a potential of 10.2 MMDH substitution, representing one third of the objective set
by the Ministry by the end of 2021: to reach 500 projects, allowing Morocco to substitute imports
up to 34 MMDH.